

Criteria for Forming Opinions on Evolution

This book has attempted to show how evolutionary theory has been elevated to a paradigm that finds its expression in many areas of human experience (Part III). It elaborates also on the strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary theory (Part I) as well as the important and difficult task of harmonizing scientific findings with the Bible without doing injustice to either (Part II). It is the hope and prayer of this author that the reader will develop the following attitudes after having reviewed this book.

9.1 To Be Well Informed Concerning the Scientific Bases of Evolutionary Theory

Since evolutionary theory is encountered in almost every avenue of learning, it is paramount for a conscientious, intellectual Christian to be aware of the scientific bases of this theory. Since the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, evolution by natural selection has undergone much revision. Evolution (microevolution) taken in its narrowest meaning in terms of changes and diversification of living organisms within a certain boundary as a result of natural selection has been well substantiated. However, the mechanism by which transpecific evolution (general, macroevolution) in the higher categories can occur is still mysterious and awaits unraveling by scientific methodology or other means. It is entirely possible that the general theory of organic evolution will never be proven or disproven by the scientific method because of its all-inclusive nature and its lack of well-defined parameters.

Informed intellectuals are able to decide if a new paradigm that is based on evolutionary theory (the so-called Darwinian revolution) is well established [296] when it is compared to the historical paradigms introduced by Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's theory of relativity. By being exposed to the scientific bases of evolutionary theory, Christians are able to decide conscientiously on the degree of conformity they can make with a current evolutionary paradigm. After all, since the dawn of the scientific era, the paradigm shifts have been sparked by a minority of scientists who did not conform to dominant views (1).

Reference 9.1

1. Kuhn, T. S. The structure of scientific revolution. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press; 1962.