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NOTE: Categories are: dd = Bible book in numerical order; C =
S = Series, T = Topical lecture
Institute |
BTI7401 |
Grauley, John E. |
*** Not Available *** |
Grauley, John E. |
Occultism. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Immortality in Job. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Body & Spirit. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Body & Spirit. |
Cohen, Gary G. |
The Judgment Seat of Christ. |
1976 Institute |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Our American Heritage: Strange Bedfellows. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Our American Heritage: Strange Bedfellows. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Church, State & Believer. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Church, State & Believer. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
God's Care for the Pilgrims; Christianity & Capitalism. |
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
Bible Reading in the Public Schools. |
Cohen, Gary G. |
Is America in Prophecy? |
Cohen, Gary G. |
Which Way America? |
Grauley, John E. |
How Prayer Affects Government. |
1977 Institute |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Revelation. |
Grauley, John E. |
2 Peter 1:19-21 |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Inerrancy & the Old Testament; Dunzweiler, Inspiration & Inspiredness. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Inspiration. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Inerrancy & the Synoptic Problem. |
Harding, William N. |
Infallibility |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
John 17:17 |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Hermeneutics. |
Evans, Frederick W. |
Battle for the Bible & the WCC; John S. Murray and Harold S. Laird, Issues & Answers. |
Laird, Harold S. |
Battle for the Bible & the WCC; John S. Murray and Harold S. Laird, Issues & Answers. |
Murray, John S. |
Battle for the Bible & the WCC; John S. Murray and Harold S. Laird, Issues & Answers. |
1978 Institute | ||
Newman, Robert C. |
Man in the Image of God. |
Harding, William N. |
Capital Punishment. |
Vannoy, J. Robert |
The Ten Commandments. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Creation: Man for the Glory of God. |
Grauley, John E. |
Biblical Sex Laws. |
Kaufman, Donald W. |
The Sermon on the Mount. |
Clark, John P. |
The Right to Live: Birth Control & Abortion. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Civil Rights. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Creation: Man Reborn. |
Murray, John S. |
The Christian's Response. |
1979 Institute | ||
MacRae, Alan A. |
Biblical Inerrancy. |
Peri, Ronald J. |
Thematic Interpretation. |
Grauley, John E. |
Cultic Interpretation. |
Harding, William N. |
Interpreting Difficult Passages. |
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
Time in Predictive Prophecy. |
Vannoy, J. Robert |
Archaeology & Interpretation. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Interpreting the Miraculous. |
Varner, Willilam C. |
Interpretation of Prophetic Scriptures. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Interpreting the Parables. |
1980 Institute | ||
MacRae, Alan A. |
The Holy Spirit as the Revealer of Truth. |
Harding, William N. |
Baptism of the Holy Spirit. |
Harding, William N. |
Baptism of the Holy Spirit. |
Neher, James E. |
The Catholic Charismatic Movement. |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Sealing Ministry of the Holy Spirit. |
Newman, Robert C. |
The Holy Spirit In the Ministry of the Lord. |
Grauley, John E. |
The Convicting Work of the Holy Spirit. |
Varner, Willilam C. |
The Holy Spirit & the Believer. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
The Quest for the Spirit-Filled Life. |
1981 Institute | ||
Harding, William N. |
Christian Order in the Home. |
Harding, William N. |
Christian Order in the Home. |
Harding, William N. |
Christian Order in the Home. |
Grauley, John E. |
Marriage: Biblical & Unbiblical Views. |
Grauley, John E. |
Tensions in the Home. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Women in a Liberated Age. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Christian & Secular Education. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
The Family of God. |
1982 Institute | ||
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
The Incarnation. |
Harding, William N. |
The Deity of Jesus Christ. |
Harding, William N. |
Problem Passages on Our Lord's Person. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
The Humanity of Jesus Christ. |
Pakala, James C. |
Substitutionary Work of Christ. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Key Biblical Words of Salvation. |
BTI8207 |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Themes of the Atoning Work of Christ. ***
Faculty Symposium |
Applying Christ's Work to Our Lives |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Jesus' Threefold Office & Ministry. |
1983 Institute | ||
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
Revelation & Inspiration. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Canonicity. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Revelation Beyond the Bible. |
Harding, William N. |
The Bibles of the Cults. |
Harding, William N. |
Bible Versions. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Inerrancy Update. |
Clark, George S. |
The Bible & the Koran. |
Peterson, Robert A. |
New Testament Inspiration Texts. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
To Preach the Gospel. |
1984 Institute | ||
Harding, William N. |
Homosexuality. |
Koessler, John |
& Arcieri, James, The Great Commission. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Christians & the State. |
Newman, Robert C. |
The Church & the Poor. |
Clark, George S. |
Strangers & Pilgrims; Frederic C. Putnam, The Will of God. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Religious Liberty & State Infringement. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Maintaining Holiness. |
Brewer, David J. |
The Prophetic Witness. |
Liegel, Will L. |
Appreciation of Culture. |
Arcieri, James |
& John Koessler, The Great Commission. |
1985 Institute | ||
Vannoy, J. Robert |
The Revelation of God in O.T. History. |
Putnam, Frederic C. |
God as Worshiped in the Psalms. |
Newman, Robert C. |
God in the Synoptic Gospels. |
Peterson, Robert A. |
God in the Pauline Epistles. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
The Son of Man in Daniel. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Describing God in Gender Terms. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
How is God Known? |
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
The Trinity. |
Harding, William N. |
Old & New Testament Pictures of God. |
1986 Institute | ||
Peterson, Robert A. |
Purposes of Romans. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Evidence of God in Cosmos & Conscience. |
Zimmerman III, Charles H. |
Justification. |
Dunzweiler, Robert J. |
The Believer's New Relationship. |
Vannoy, J. Robert |
Israel and the Church. |
Pakala, James C. |
Where the Rubber Meets the Road. |
Harding, William N. |
Christian Privilege, Responsibility and Liberty. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
The People of the Church. |
1987 Institute | ||
Peterson, Robert A. |
Jude. |
Harding, William N. |
Job. |
Vannoy, J. Robert |
Obadiah. |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Micah. |
Zimmerman III, Charles H. |
2 & 3 John. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Ecclesiastes. |
Dunbar, David G. |
Philemon. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Song of Songs. |
Newman, Robert C. |
Habakkuk. |
1988 Institute | ||
Putnam, Frederic C. |
Literature of the Psalms. |
Dunbar, David G. |
Worship of God in the Psalms. |
Peterson, Robert A. |
Psalm 139 |
MacRae, Alan A. |
Psalm 2 |
Newman, Robert C. |
Psalms as Used in the N.T. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
The Psalms in Music. |
Zimmerman III, Charles H. |
Psalm 51 |
Vannoy, J. Robert |
Psalms & Divine Kingship. |
Harding, William N. |
Psalm 110 |
1990 Institute | ||
Harris, R. Laird |
Harris, The New Evolution. |
Dunbar, David G. |
Marriage. |
Putnam, Frederic C. |
Ethics. |
Taylor, Thomas V. |
Genesis 1-3 Through the Bible. |
Zimmerman III, Charles H. |
The Fall. |
Harris, R. Laird |
Genesis 2: Creation of Paradise. |
The Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute is
group of Christians who see a desperate need for men and women
of the complete reliability of the Bible who will:
(1) get training both in
studies and in some other academic discipline, and
(2) use this training to help
other Christians deal with the many areas where non-Christian teaching
is so dominant today.
We believe that such trained people can be effective
in removing many stumbling blocks that keep others from the Gospel.
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