
Natural Science and Faith



劉大衛 (Dr. David Newquist) 博 士

Physics Department
Tunghai University

Taichung, Taiwan ROC

Acrobat PDF (4.4 Mb)


自然科學 與信仰  Natural Science and the Christian Faith

Chapter (Link to htm)
[pdf (Acrobat)
doc (Word)
Preliminaries htm
第壹章    科學簡史

A Brief History of Science
第貳章    科學哲理

Philosophy of Science
pdf doc
第叁章    信仰
pdf doc
第肆章     有關聖經的邏輯問題

Logical Questions about the Bible
pdf doc

第伍章    科學和宗教信仰之間的衝突

Conflicts Between Science and Religious Faith
pdf doc
第陸章    我們怎知聖經所說的神是 存在的?

How Do We Know the God of the Bible Exists?
I 宇宙的特性 The Characteristics of the Universe
pdf doc
6B. (cont)
Ⅱ.生 物的特性

The Characteristics of Living Things
pdf doc
6C. (cont)
.聖經的 特性

  The Characteristics of the Bible, 1 to 7
pdf doc
6D. (cont)

八 到 十四,   The Characteristics of the Bible, 8 to 14

IV 信徒的經驗 The experience of believers.
pdf doc
第柒章      一位基督徒物理老師有關宇宙奧秘的個人見解

A Christian physics teacher's personal outlook on the wonders of the universe.
pdf doc

About IBRI:

The Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute is a group of Christians who see a desperate need for men and women convinced of the complete reliability of the Bible who will:
     (1) get training both in Biblical studies and in some other academic discipline, and
     (2) use this training to help other Christians deal with the many areas where non-Christian teaching is so dominant today.
We believe that such trained people can be effective in removing many stumbling blocks that keep others from the Gospel.


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