Welcome to IBRI
This website contains audio lectures and written material on matters relating to the Christian Faith, the Bible, and the interface between Science and the Bible. The site is developed and maintained by the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute.
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The following are a series of indices where you can find material on this site.
All links in these lists are complete web links.
IBRI Library By Author IBRI Library By Title
Or all contents... (including libraries)
By Library By Author By Title All Audio (MP3) Collections and Syllabi
You may download these indices to your local computer and use them for a general search of all IBRI libraries

Source Libraries:
Each of these libraries contains a comprehensive collection of materials published by the named author. The publications of all other authors are located in the main IBRI directory.
The Robert J. Dunzweiler Memorial LibraryThe William N. Harding Library
The Robert C. Newman Library
The Allan A. MacRae Memorial Library
The Thomas V. Taylor Memorial Library
The J. Robert Vannoy Library
The Daniel E. Wonderly Memorial Library
- What's Wrong with Evolution?
- Non-Radiometric Age Determination
- Dinosaurs, Fossils & the Bible
- The Date of Creation
- The Plain Sense of Genesis One
- How to believe in a Universal Flood
Many of the lectures and materials posted here have been re-worked and posted at Ted Hildebrandt's Digital Biblical Studies Lecture Series.
You may help to improve this website by editing the OCR text of any pdf pages, or by providing us with outlines or transcripts of the audio lectures (or corrections of those existing). Please send any such material by email to IBRI.

Over the years, IBRI has produced, collected, and maintained a wide variety of materials for public use. This includes:
Books, eBooks, and book reviews. Many of these are freely accessible fully online.
Peer-reviewed papers published by IBRI. Some of these are translated into Chinese, French, German, Russian and Spanish.
Topics include:
• The Synoptic Problem
• The Census of Quirinius
• The Time of the Messiah (EFGRS)
• Evolution
• Sharp Points
• Creation of the Biosphere
• Geology Before Darwin
• Natural Theology
Lectures, books, ppts and many other materials that focus on the intersection between science and the Bible. This includes:

A series of 15 lectures that explore the scientific evidence for a divine Creator.
Lecture materials that do not have a specifically scientific focus. For example, the following are complete seminary-level courses on church history by Dr. Allan A. MacRae:
Pre-Reformation Church HistoryComplete Audio Lectures (Faith Theological Seminary 1968)
Post-Reformation Church History
Complete Audio Lectures (Faith Theological Seminary 1968)
Complete edited Transcription of lectures (Faith Theological Seminary, 1960-61)
See also:
• Dunzweiler, Lectures in Systematic Theology (audio and syllabus)
• Dunzweiler, Apologetics
• Dunzweiler, Soteriology
• Harding, Old Testament Poets
• MacRae, Pre-Reformation Church History
Post-Reformation Church History
• Vannoy, Old Testament Prophets
We at IBRI have prepared a number of brief pieces (traditionally called tracts) for various purposes. Some are tracts to help our Muslim friends. Others are designed to help people see where the scientific or historical evidence lies for certain controversial matters about which it is more or less important that we know the truth.
Topics include:
• Tidal Slowdown & Coral Growth
• Coral Reefs
• Evolution of the Auto (a parable)
• Varves: Evidence for an Old Earth
• Geocentrism
• Joshua's Long Day
• Light-Travel Time
• Nostradamus and the Bible

Topical Lectures and Commentary:
Old Testament Archaeology by Bryant G. Wood (1991)Bible Survey by Thomas V. Taylor
Leviticus by Thomas V. Taylor
Leviticus by R. Laird Harris
Deuteronomy by J. Robert Vannoy
Nehemiah by John S. Murray
Ecclesiastes by Thomas V. Taylor
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel by Allan A. MacRae
Habakkuk by Allan A. MacRae
Mark by Robert C. Newman and Swee Hwa Quek
The Epistles of Peter by Robert C. Newman
The Revelation by Robert C. Newman
Also - See the individual Libraries.
Also - See the individual Libraries.
The Second Century Church by Frederick Evans
The Nature of Apologetics by Os Guiness
Presuppositionalism by John Warwick Montgomery
The Doctrine of God by John Sanderson
God and Human Suffering by Robert J. Dunzweiler
Also - See the individual Libraries.
William N. Harding, THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT (1995)
William N. Harding, MAJOR CULTS
William N. Harding, THE EPISTLE OF JAMES
William N. Harding, MESSIANIC PSALMS
Allan A. MacRae, Fufilled Prophecy (1965)
Da Vinci Code Powerpoint talks (2006)
16 lectures on subjects related to the Da Vinci Code. Available in powerpoint and web versions. Topics include:
- Leonardo Da Vinci- Mary Magdalene
- Gnosticism
- The Priory of Sion
- Secret Societies
- Other Gospels.
Robert C. Newman Powerpoint talks
70 lectures, available in powerpoint and web versions. Topics include:
- Da Vinci Code (see also here)- Astrology
- Astronomy
- Chariots of the Gods
- Christianity and Science
- Artificial Life
- Origin of Life
- Cosmos and Contact
- Creation-Evolution debate
- Creation, Science and the Bible
- Discovering God's Fingerprints
- Doing Science in a Theistic Universe
- Evidence of God
- The Biblical Firmament
- Intelligent Design
- Problems for Creation Science
- Star of Bethlehem
- The Significance of Christmas
- Form Criticism
- Heaven and Hell
- Modern English Versions of the Bible
- Mormonism
- Did Moses Write the Torah?
- Prophecy
- Why So Much Suffering?
Refer to the Libraries for additional listings

Other Lecture Series & Bible Studies
The IBRI Colloquium Series (1980 to 2006) are evening lectures held about once a month by IBRI Fellows, Biblical Faculty, or invited speakers (audio).
Women's Bible Studies by Grace MacRae

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